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Buone Nuove/Good News – Women in Architecture

Buone Nuove/Good News – Women in Architecture

Valerie Gow will be featured in “Buone Nuove/Good News – Women in Architecture,” an inspiring travelling exhibition on display at Toronto Metropolitan University starting September 5th! Celebrating the impact of women in architecture from Italy to Canada, this special event is an opportunity to learn about the many projects, stories, and trailblazers who are empowering a new generation of inclusive city-builders.

Valerie Gow co-founded Gow Hastings Architects, a practice recognized as an industry leader in design for post-secondary institutions. Valued for her comprehensive expertise in both architecture and interior design, Valerie partners with clients and users to find distinctive, intelligent, and sustainable design solutions. On display will be the Odeyto – a home for First Peoples at Seneca College. Often, Indigenous students leave their home communities for the first time and travel to unknown urban centres to pursue their education. The design of Odeyto (Anishinaabe word for ‘good journey’) reflects and acknowledges this, creating a home away from home, where students can gather, practice their traditions, and find new friendships while away from their communities.

Valerie’s work will be showcased alongside 15 other Canadian women architects, offering a new and more comprehensive perspective of architecture by highlighting how women and women-led collectives have elevated the quality of modern and contemporary design.

The exhibition is open to the public. We hope to see you there!
Buone Nuove/Good News – Women in Architecture – from MAXXI to MET
September 5 to October 10, 2024
Paul H. Cocker Gallery
Toronto Metropolitan University

More info about the Buone Nuove/Good News Exhibition can be found here.