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Ambassadors for Twenty + Change 2024 Issue

Ambassadors for Twenty + Change 2024 Issue

Twenty + Change was established to share and encourage the work and ideas for the new generation of Canadian architects and designers.

Being recognized by Twenty + Change in 2007 had a tremendous impact on our practice, garnering both local and national media attention and attracting young talent eager to work with us. This opened up opportunities for collaboration with established architects and an invitation to lecture at Laval University.

The Twenty + Change community fostered strong bonds among young practices; many of us remain close friends today, supporting each other in building our businesses. Our shared experiences, such as participating in the IIDEX Pecha Kucha and travelling exhibits, created an instant camaraderie that endures to this day.

As ambassadors for the upcoming Twenty+Change, we are excited to see the next generation of emerging practices showcased in the October 2024 issue of Canadian Architect. Read more about Twenty + Change online.

Image: George Brown College Chef House Restaurant.