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229 Richmond St W | Design Competition Shortlist

229 Richmond St W | Design Competition Shortlist

Exciting News! We are thrilled to announce that our team has been shortlisted for the design competition for the new 2,600 square meter park at 229 Richmond St. W. in Toronto!

In the first stage of the competition, City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation invited design teams, led by landscape architects, to submit their qualifications for this exciting project. Our team, led by PMA Landscape Architects and SLA, alongside Ned Kahn Studio, Tàmmaro Art/Design, and Ridge Road Training and Consulting, has been selected to move forward to the next stage of the competition.

We are grateful for this tremendous opportunity to collaborate with renowned firms and contribute our expertise to conceptualizing a vibrant and sustainable park that reflects the cultural scenes and unique history of the neighborhood. Over the coming months, we will be developing our conceptual design, aiming to prioritize sustainability, climate resilience, and principles of Indigenous placekeeping in alignment with the City's Reconciliation Action Plan.

With the site's rich history as part of the King-Spadina Heritage Conservation District, we aim to honor the area's past while incorporating modern design elements that harmonize with the surrounding architectural heritage. What a unique opportunity to blend history, culture, and nature into a captivating park experience!

Stay tuned for updates on our conceptual design and how you can contribute to shaping this remarkable space!