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Valerie Gow Speaks at Ryerson ACU’s Soft Skills Workshop

Valerie Gow Speaks at Ryerson ACU’s Soft Skills Workshop

Ryerson University’s Architecture Course Union (ACU) hosted an event for the Department of Architectural Science last week to help students gain knowledge on networking, and the development of soft skills. Partner Valerie Gow was brought in by ACU alongside other local practitioners to present to the students. Valerie was able to speak to them about Gow Hastings’ work, advise on strategies to market oneself by engaging with professionals, and tips for applying to graduate schools and jobs in the future. It is a privilege to share knowledge with the future generation of architects and designers. A big thanks to 4th year representative Jon Kim and the rest of the ACU team for organizing such an engaging event, we hope to be back soon!

(Photo Credit: Henry Mai)